James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
That word ‘religion’ means worship, which makes this verse take on a whole new meaning. Pure worship that is uncontaminated or unsoiled before God ………….is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction (pressure, burden, trouble, anguish).
I have seen this verse for many years and wanted it to take place in my life for some time now. And it finally came to pass in an amazing way a couple of weeks ago.
Our church here in Colorado Springs does several mission trips a year and Guatemala is one of them. The first time I saw pictures of Casa Angelina, which is an orphanage in Guatemala, I said, “I want to go there.” The couple who started this orphanage, at the direction of God, have done an exceptional job in showing these orphans (170 of them) the love of God, teaching them the Word of God, as well as training them academically, even providing for higher education for those who want it, along with their housing, clothing and feeding them and so much more. They turn them from orphans into royalty because of the love of God. You can go online and read all about it. Their ministry is called What Matters Ministries and Missions. And you can look up Casa Angelina in Guatemala.
That was almost a couple of years ago when I said I wanted to go on this particular missions trip. But God never forgets….it came to pass a couple of weeks ago.
JR and I, along with 17 other people, had the privilege and honor to go on this trip to build a widow a home and visit the orphanage at Casa Angelina, and help do work there as well. We also went to a place called “Land of Hope” and helped on projects there. We had an amazing team with an amazing young couple who were our leaders on this 8 day trip.
Many people were praying for us, and we were so thankful for each and every prayer. Weeks before we left, I had been praying specific prayers regarding this trip — and every single one of those prayers were answered. From ideal weather, to no delays at airports (although we had layovers going and coming back which we knew we would), unity with all the team members, no sickness from being over there, no jet lag, etc. This trip was flawless – smooth from start to finish. Even going through customs coming back – no issues at all. Praise the Lord!
God hears and answers our prayers when we pray in faith believing, according to His will. He knows the desires He places in each one of our hearts and as always, He is faithful to bring them to pass!